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EN003. Time carved in the silence of eternity. Diacronic reflections on investigation for the memory of homo faber
EURO 35,00
Importante volumetto, denso e complesso, con articolate riflessioni e intuizioni in ambito storico, filosofico, religioso, socio-esistenziale ed etico; completato da analisi di applicazioni tecniche informatiche e telematiche. Apprezzato da altissime autorità istituzionali laiche e cattoliche, scientifiche, culturali e politiche. Insignito di alti patrocini nazionali ed internazionali e plurirecensito. In veste tipografica di alto pregio.
Raimondo Villano - Patronage by: Pontifical Academy Tiberina, Academy of History of Medical Art, College Noble Chemical Pharmaceutical, European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations Norman Academy of the State of Florida USA and of the Republic of the Gambia (Hight Spiritual Patronage of President Em. Pontifical Council of Culture Cardinal Paul Poupard) - Presentation of: Ven. Baliff Gran Cross of Jiustice of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Exc. Fra’ Franz von Lobstein; P. D. G. of Rotary International 2100-Italy Prof. Antonio Carosella - Presentation Ceremony with the High Patronage of Ministry of Artistic and Cultural Heritageof the Italian Republic (MBAC-UDCM Cabinet 0009440-14/05/2010 Cl. 09.01.00/5491), by Jean Monnet Université Europenne and by Telematic Pegaso University;Published under Patronage by: Pontifical Academy Tiberina, Academy of History of Medical Art, College Noble Chemical Pharmaceutical, European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations Norman Academy of the State of Florida USA and of the Republic of the Gambia (High Spiritual Patronage of President Em. Pontifical Council of Culture Cardinal Paul Poupard) Chiron, ISBN 978-88-97303-03-9, LCC BH 81-208, CDD 177 VIL tim 2011, Naples, January 2011, pp. 126.
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