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EN006. Pharmacopoeias from the Ducky of Naples to Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
EURO 20,00
Study Group Pharmacopoeias International Society for the History of Pharmacy ISHP (Berna, Switzerland) Director: Prof. Dr. François Ledermann (President Em. ISHP).
You go through the works produced in the Duchy around the tenth century and later in the United Swabian, forerunners of the pharmacopoeia; doing a survey on national developments in areas Neapolitan inferencing in the centuries immediately following, you will come to a selection of key works published in the United sixteenth to the nineteenth century, distinguishing them by city of publication (Catania, Messina, Palermo, Naples) and mainly used for describing and diachronic succession increasing detail the content and features. Are then cited the works annoverabili as unofficial pharmacopoeias, which we describe in detail the structure of the peculiarities of the most important. Mention Finally, the major works produced in the Neapolitan periods is pre-unitary and unitary Italian dwelling on their contextualization in the national and deepening the context of the prevailing socio-political and techniques such periods.
Work in the Study Group Pharmacopoeias - International Society for the History of Pharmacy ISHP (Berna, Switzerland) directed by Prof. Dr. François Ledermann (President Em. ISHP) and supported by: Italian Academy for the History of Pharmacy (Piacenza, Italia); Institut for the History of Pharmacy at the University of Berna (Berna, Switzerland); International Society for the History of Pharmacy ISHP (Vienna, Austria) - Chiron, CDD 615 VIL pha 2013, LCC DG 831, p. 34, April 2013.
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