

Catalogo Libri

EN008. Prophylactic and therapeutic aspects against the plague in Italy from XIVXVII century

EURO 28,00

Starting from a historical chronology, pathological, epidemiological, demographic, sociological and literary plague , we describe the environmental and operating conditions of doctors and pharmacists , examining the protocols of prophylaxis and make a reconnaissance of the main drugs used for prevention and treatment , coming to examine in detail some of the most important works in this subject and date (XVII century ) compared to the epidemic periods considered, the pre-eminent precepts clinical treatment protocols, dietary prescriptions , the composition of medicines and the most important processes for their preparation, setting the stage for various lines of comparative analysis. Integral communication of Raimondo Villano in Parallel Session II (Chairmains: A. Iwona / S. Anagnostou) of 41 International Congres for the History of Pharmacy  (10/15 september by: International Society for the History of Pharmacy, Societé Francaise d’Histoire de la Pharmacie; Acadèmie Internationale d’Histoire de la Pharmacie), in the Bilski Pasquer Lecture Hall, with 79 authors of the 31 Pays et  students of the over 50 Nations (Paris, Paris-Sorbonne UFR University, Medicine Faculty Pierre and Marie Curie, Les Cordeliers, september 11, 2013) - Chiron, CDD  945 VIL asp 2014 en, LCC  R131-687, pp. 72, Rome, February 2014.

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